
Develop Better Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is everything. When you don’t get regular, quality sleep, your mental health suffers. You may find you can’t concentrate, you’re irritable, you feel depressed, your anxiety increases, and you feel physically run down. For clients who report that they aren’t sleeping well, I always want to continue to check in on this topic.  What is sleep hygiene? You probably...[ read more ]

Fall Self-Care Tips

Fall is such a beautiful time of year. It’s a great time to devote yourself to focusing on self-care. The following are some self-care ideas to help you kick-start that self-care regimen.  Order pumpkin spice anything and sit at a park and take in some sun.Play solitaire or another phone app that does not cause stress but relaxes you.Go to...[ read more ]

15 Ways to Relieve Stress/Anxiety

Last week’s post focused on common anxiety symptoms. This week, I present you with a helpful infographic of 15 ways to relieve stress/anxiety. By purposefully engaging in each of these techniques, you will greatly reduce your stress/anxiety. Try a few of them the next time you feel stressed or anxious. Practicing these can help you to avoid the pitfalls of...[ read more ]

Common Anxiety Symptoms

I frequently see clients for is anxiety symptoms. Imagine driving in your car and hearing the latest news story about how coffee increases your cancer risk (as you are sipping your Starbucks), the driver next to you honks and flips you off because you took a second too long to turn, you change the station only to hear about how...[ read more ]

The Importance of Date Nights

It would seem obvious that a blog post about the importance of date nights is not necessary except that I see many couples who don’t prioritize date nights. I’m always surprised when I ask how often they plan date nights I hear, “we know we should, we just haven’t.” They’re either too busy, can’t find sitters they trust, feel financially...[ read more ]

Seasonal Depression

Today is the first day of Fall. It’s that time of year when the days are getting shorter, it gets darker earlier, and the trees shed their leaves. For some, fall is their favorite season. For others, it represents the impending doom of winter and oncoming seasonal depression. If you’ve ever experienced seasonal depression you understand the impact that the...[ read more ]

Teen Body Positivity

Demi Lovato recently posted an unedited bikini photo of herself on Instagram. As of this writing, she has received more than 8 million likes and the comments are extremely supportive and encouraging. So why then do we live in a world in which women still constantly feel they have to hide their “flaws,” edit away their blemishes, and promote a...[ read more ]

Pet Loss Grief

Losing a pet can bring about tremendous grief. In society we don’t often acknowledge pet loss grief in the same way we recognize other type of grief and loss. This is what’s called disenfranchised grief—sadness due to a loss that is not seen as typical such as loss of pet, a parent giving a child up for adoption, military personnel...[ read more ]

Whacks vs. Lacks

I have had clients express to me lately that they don’t think they’ve experienced trauma but as they tell their histories, it becomes clear to me they have. I try to express to them that there is Trauma (capital T) and there is trauma (lowercase t) or whacks vs. lacks. While we understand that physical or sexual abuse is considered...[ read more ]

Unable to Share Feelings

In previous posts we covered the other characteristics of intimacy anorexia—being too busy, blaming, withholding love, withholding praise, withholding sexually, and withholding spiritually. This post is about the characteristic of intimacy anorexia when your partner is unable to express or share feelings. Dr. Doug Weiss, Ph.D. coined the term “intimacy anorexia.” The inability to share emotions or connect with your...[ read more ]

Windsor, CO

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