Child/Adolescent Therapy in Fort Collins, Windsor, Greeley, and Loveland, CO

Children and adolescents today are faced with an incredible amount of pressure to perform and achieve. They must also endure scrutiny and bullying in school and on social media to a level that the older generation can’t begin to understand. It’s common for children/adolescents to have feelings of anxiety and depression but to not exactly know how to express it. Whatever your child/teen is going through, I offer therapy to help.

Therapeutic concerns with this age group:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Grief and loss
  • Peer pressure
  • Blended families
  • Sibling strife
  • Sleeping problems
  • Social media issues
  • Panic attacks
  • Self-harm
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Parent relationship conflicts
  • Multicultural conflicts

I offer a safe environment for you child/teen to discuss their feelings. Younger children don’t usually have the capacity to endure an hour-long discussion so we break counseling up into sections with intermittent play/games between therapy. I believe the family is a central part of the treatment process however understanding your child/adolescent/teen’s feelings can be challenging for parents. Incorporating a third-party like a counselor can help to bridge that communication gap.

I’ll work with your child in a structured manner by using chosen counseling modalities and techniques to secure their trust and build upon that trust to gain a deeper understanding about their inner world. I’ll then work with you to help you understand what issues they are facing and what you can do to help improve their feelings and/or behaviors.


Don’t let another day go by! If you live in northern Colorado (Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, Loveland), get child/adolescent therapy today. Call to make an appointment. I’ll return your call within 24 hours.

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Windsor, CO

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