
We are becoming a porn-infused culture. What was once considered hardcore porn is now considered softcore and many softcore images are seeping into our daily existence, blurring the line and desensitizing us. The Internet has changed everything. Pornography is no longer hard to access. As a whole new generation grows up with porn at their fingertips, we cannot even imagine the repercussions. Please, watch this video from Fight the New Drug and get educated about an issue that is surely affecting your life in ways you do not yet know.



107 Million: The number of monthly U.S. visitors to adult sites

11-13: The average age of first porn viewing by boys

46% of men and 16% of women (ages 18-39) view porn in a given week

Annual video views on Pornhub in 2016: 87.8 billion

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is real and is affecting men as young as in their early 20s.

In an Intimacy Anorexia (IA) study, 29% of male sex addicts met criteria for IA and 39% of female sex addicts also met criteria for IA

A 2006 study of women who had unexpectedly learned of a loved one’s infidelity reported symptoms similar to PTSD

Couples with Intimacy Anorexia can go decades without having sex.

70% of women in a study had symptomatic criteria for PTSD in response to the disclosure of their partner’s sexual addiction


Don’t let another day go by! If you live in northern Colorado (Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, Loveland), call to make an appointment today. I’ll return your call within 24 hours.

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Windsor, CO

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