Here is an idea to ponder. How about making this year’s goals and resolutions be more grace-filled? Whether it’s exercise, diet, relationships, or professional aspirations, consider setting some boundaries for yourself that you won’t expect perfection, but will instead be satisfied with progress. More often than not we feel like a failure when we don’t achieve a goal. Instead of beating ourselves up and giving up a goal altogether, we need to measure our strides not via how many boxes we check off, but rather the momentum we have made going toward positivity. Setbacks will happen. Life will get in the way of your ability to achieve some milestones. The point is to assess your progress and count yourself successful if you’re still trying.
Give Yourself Grace
If your resolution goals center around diet and exercise, seek to give yourself grace. This looks like allowing yourself the ability to still enjoy life while also being aware of your long-term goals. If you’re out with friends, give yourself the grace to have a drink or enjoy the dessert. Tomorrow is another day. By partaking on this particular day, you’re still setting yourself up for success because you’re thinking about the sustainability of your behavior. Nobody can limit themselves for months on end effectively. This is such simple advice but it’s surprising how hard we are on ourselves when we deviate from our unsustainable plan.
2020 Is the Year
I love the saying, “A year from now you’ll wish you started today.” It’s so true. How many times must we go down the path of starting toward a goal and messing up a bit only the throw away the entire goal? Make 2020 the year you reach your goal but do it wisely by not rushing yourself. Seek progress not perfection. Give yourself grace. Start with only today and try not to focus too hard on two weeks or two months from now. Focusing on today is something you can sustain. Tomorrow will require your focus tomorrow.
If you live in northern Colorado area of Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Windsor, Severance, or Johnstown and want to set up a counseling appointment, contact Mending Hearts Counseling today at 970-545-1111 or at this link.