Pet Therapy

Oxytocin, often referred to as the love hormone, acts as a neurotransmitter to the brain. Touch releases the hormone, which makes us feel more happy, content, and pleasurable. Oxytocin is associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building. Last week we talked about creating a feeling of hygge. Feeling loved, warm, and safe are key concepts behind hygge. Many of my clients report that their pets are factors in their healing. Pet therapy or cuddling your pets has the same effect as cuddling with a person and causes our bodies to release oxytocin.

Pets, with their unconditional kindness and love, have a way to make us feel wanted, needed, and loved. Your pet is very aware when you are distressed. You might even notice your pet try to get closer to you when you display distress to try and let you know they care. Don’t underestimate the power that pet therapy plays in your recovery and healing. When all else is not going well in your day, give your pet a long hug! Mending Hearts Counseling helps those who are seeking help in the areas of sexual/porn addiction and betrayal trauma. If you live in the Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, or Loveland area, contact MHC at 970-545-1111 to schedule an appointment.

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Windsor, CO

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