Group counseling information

Have you ever considered group counseling? A group dynamic might seem intimidating at first, but a lot of healing happens in group counseling. Meeting with group members who are in your same situation helps you to understand you aren’t alone. Knowing that others are walking the same path of healing can be comforting and combat the isolation tendency that one tends to feel when in trauma. Group members provide support and encouragement. Different personalities have different experiences and bring different ideas to the table. As you recover together you develop a bond that will last beyond the group meeting timeframe.

A group can be open or closed. Open groups always allow new members to join while closed groups stay at a specific number of members from start to finish and don’t allow new members. Some people prefer the open group aspect because they don’t have to wait to join. Other prefer closed groups because it is easier to open up and be authentic with familiar members. Closed groups tend to work best with a limited number of members—4 to 5 at most. This is so that every group member has the opportunity to be heard and to connect with one another.

Some groups meet weekly or bi-weekly. Many groups work through a book, have homework, check-in, and share time. Members can stay in communication through the week via text if necessary. The duration of a group can take up from 6 months to a year. You generally invest about three hours weekly including homework and meeting time. Some groups offer a spiritual component, while others do not. You can choose what dynamic best fits your situation. Phone groups/Internet groups are also an option.

If you are interested in becoming part of a northern Colorado or Windsor group, click here. Groups are always forming to help in the areas of sexual addiction, betrayal trauma, and intimacy anorexia.

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Windsor, CO

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