Date Nights

Finding the right work-life balance is not as hard as what some couples report. When confronted with why couples in my office aren’t going on date nights, they each initially give long explanations about how busy they are and how the kids have so many activities happening. Then with more prodding, they admit that they can find time, they just don’t make it a priority.

Date nights need to be a priority in your marriage. Period. End of story. A healthy marriage requires that the two committed people have one-on-one time with one another. Every season of life will bring about reasons why you will put date night on the bottom of your list. These are excuses. Work will always be busy, and your kids will always have some sort of activity they are involved in. If I assured you that once your kids leave home your marriage would stand a much better chance of surviving if you invested in it before they leave, you would make it a priority. Unfortunately, many couples aren’t looking ahead and aren’t visualizing the investment they committed to.

This is supposed to be fun! Date nights are nights when you get to let loose and fully enjoy each other, sharing and laughing about your week. Date nights are the perfect excuse to try that new restaurant or go to that new play. Movies are less intimate but if going to movies will get you started on committing to date nights, I’m supportive of movies. You might want to go out to dinner first so that you do have that one-on-one time to connect. One you begin going on date nights, make it a regular occurrence. Put it on the calendar and don’t falter in this commitment.

Contact Mending Hearts Counseling at 970-545-1111 if you would like to begin couples counseling. Mending Hearts Counseling serves the greater northern Colorado area, including Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, and Loveland, Colorado.

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Windsor, CO

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