
Group Therapy for Betrayal Trauma

Have you experienced infidelity in your relationship? Or have you recently discovered your partner is secretly looking at porn or having online relationships? Are you struggling to regain trust? Do you feel like your life will never feel “normal” again?  Group therapy is a wonderful model for processing through any issue. In group, you encounter others who are experiencing the...[ read more ]

Boundaries are Imperative in Betrayal Trauma

I can’t emphasize enough how essential boundaries are to maintain in a relationship that has been strained due to infidelity and betrayal. Some partners whose spouse or partner acted out because of their sexual addiction often worry that setting firm boundaries will cause their spouse to act out again. First, let me note that you aren’t responsible for your partner’s...[ read more ]

When the Sermon is Harmful

Recently, a pastor in Missouri gave a sermon that wives need to control their weight, wear makeup, and be prepared to fulfill their husband’s immediate sexual needs if they want to keep their husbands happy. He stated that women can’t all be a trophy wife like Melania Trump but they can at least aspire to be the “participation trophy.” This...[ read more ]

Broken Crayons Still Color

You might have heard this term in circles of mental health, addiction and recovery, and trauma-related situations. It’s a good analogy. I like to use it in reference to betrayal trauma and infidelity counseling. The question I get asked the most in this area is: Will my marriage survive this? Or variations of this question, which include: What are the...[ read more ]

Online Counseling

Online counseling, also known as teletherapy, is your best bet during this Coronavirus pandemic as we all face “social distancing” and self-quarantine measures. Though this isn’t the preferred method of counseling for some, we’re all trying to do our best to remain healthy. Teletherapy is a good alternative to in-person counseling. Here’s a brief look at the drawbacks and the...[ read more ]

Progress Over Perfection

Here is an idea to ponder. How about making this year’s goals and resolutions be more grace-filled? Whether it’s exercise, diet, relationships, or professional aspirations, consider setting some boundaries for yourself that you won’t expect perfection, but will instead be satisfied with progress. More often than not we feel like a failure when we don’t achieve a goal. Instead of...[ read more ]

Meet Sigmund, MHC’s New Therapy Dog

2020 is going to be a fun year for Mending Hearts Counseling. This is because Sigmund is now a part of the team! Sigmund, also known as Siggy, is 10-week old French Bulldog who will ultimately help clients who are struggling with anxiety and depression. He will not see clients until he has completed a lot of training. Once he receives all of his...[ read more ]

Redefine Your Christmas Expectations

How many of your year’s past did you do all of the things to ensure that your family’s Christmas expectations were met? This could include buying the gifts on the list, decorating your home to the hilt, decorating the exterior of your home, buying outfits and taking time to take family Christmas card pictures, and purchasing the Christmas PJs and...[ read more ]

Thanksgiving Stress

As we head into Thanksgiving week, you might be feeling anxious about the upcoming holiday season. Holiday stress is not uncommon. Here are some common Thanksgiving stress factors: Family—holidays are so precious because of family but not everyone is excited to reunite with family members. Acknowledge your feelings to yourself if you’re not looking forward to upcoming visitors. Understand that...[ read more ]

How to Move Forward in Betrayal Trauma

I’ve seen a fair share of clients lately who are really struggling with their emotions in the midst of finding out their spouse has been lying to them or committed infidelity. This is what is known as betrayal trauma. Regardless of their partner’s act, the general emotion is essentially the same. You feel so stuck in your emotions. You go...[ read more ]

Windsor, CO

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